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Prepare, then Prosper

With a new year, comes new resolutions. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all want 2019 to be our year: mentally, spiritually and of course, financially. What changes are you going to make to ensure this is your year?

Build a foundation for your goals.

Have you talked to God about these goal of yours? How do you know this is where He wants to navigate you? He may have something bigger in mind but you can’t see it because you are fixated on your own destination. Align your goals with your purpose from God and He may take you somewhere you would have never fathomed.

Make a Plan.

What are your plans? When you have a goal, for the year and for your life, you should think of at least two different paths you can take to accomplish that goal. Don't make the mistake of having your mind set on one way of accomplishing your goal. Plans fall through, that's life, but there's always an alternate route. Do research on the topic and try to seek mentorship from people who have accomplished it already.

Trust the process.

I know it can be easy to get discouraged when we aren't immediately seeing result but trust the process. As the greatest rapper of all time, Tupac Shakur said, "Our future is our confidence and self-esteem." Be confident in your work, constantly feed yourself affirmations and know that when the time is right, you will reap all the work you've sown.

Personally, I'm a visual person so I write my goals down on something I look at every day. (its very helpful, you should try if you haven’t) Two days before the new year I decided I would write three goals in my notebook that I was praying would manifest in 2019. These were goals that I almost felt like were beyond my reach but I knew that they were aligned with my purpose and I had a plan set for each one. By day two of 2019 I was able to cross one of my goals off of my list!

I know we're approaching February but it's never too late to walk in your purpose, get your goals written and start working towards making this your year! Pray to God for guidance and watch what unfolds for you in 2019.



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