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I'm a Shea Butter Baby: How this album helped me

Happy Happy Happy Sunday! And for most of us, the day before returning to school. For me, I’m excited and mostly anxious. I’m excited because it’s my senior year and I’m anxious about what direction my life will be heading into throughout the year and after graduation. Lately, I’ve been practicing self-care. Face masks, journaling, dates with myself and blasting Ari, Lennox’s album, “Shea Butter Baby.”

I love Shea Butter Baby and what the album does for me. I can’t seem to go a day without listening to the album in its entirety. This album has helped me tune in to my true self and be comfortable with the decision I make. So while I’m speaking on this album, I’d love to shine a light on Ari Lennox.

Ari Lennox is a rising star, and is my absolute favorite female artist at the moment. I love her transparency, which is something I’m working on being better at myself. Ari is true to herself and doesn’t care what others think or say.

My favorite song by her is “New Apartment.”

In this song, she expresses freedom. She sings about her new apartment and doing whatever and decorating however. The song is super relatable. And if you haven’t heard it, I suggest you give it a listen.

Her entire album shines light on different aspects or situations in her life.

Check It out! ;)



In the Know:

Sombre is the new Ombre: Well, it is officially Fall. With Fall comes a lot of changes: weather, wardrobe, and holidays to name a few. For most girls, we also change our hairstyles because some hairstyles are more suitable for the cooler weather. So, the other day, as I was on Pinterest, I ran across a beautiful two-toned hairstyle that was captioned “Sombre.” Then, I looked up “Sombre” and was amazed because for one, I didn’t know this was a thing. Sombre is actually just Ombre hair with subtle colors which appears to be more of a natural hair colored look. If you’re anything like me, and love trying new styles, head over to pinterest and take a look at some of these hair colors. Also, check out this article on Hair Motive to learn more and see 75+ Ombre styles.

DIY- Do It Yourself: Lately, I have been into learning how to get in touch with my creative side and do more for myself. YouTube definitely helped me with this because I can practically find every “How To” video on there. Whether it’s cooking or making a pair of shorts out of a t-shirt, learning how to do it yourself makes you feel like a champ. When you learn how to do things for yourself, it can lead to a hustle and simply just saving money for yourself. Are you up for the DIY Challenge? If so, feel free to check out this striking article.

Podcastin': When I was first introduced to podcast I did not like the idea. I personally thought it was silly. Who wants to listen to someone talk for minutes? Well, I guess I do now. I really enjoy listening to motivational podcast to get my day started or when I'm working out. My favorite podcast to listen to every Monday is "Inspiring Women Weekly." The host, Lashwnda McLaurin is very motivational and sweet. Each week I learn something new from her that I can share with my friends. Check out a few podcasts when yo get some extra time this week by getting on iTunes or SoundCloud.

Wi$h Li$t

These cute little shorts are comfy, trendy, and are most definitely a go-to for me. I find myself purchasing a pair every time I go shopping because they are so affordable and stylish! I first spotted these shorts on Kim Kardashian; she seems to love them just as much as me. They can be found on Fashion Nova, F21, H&M, and many more sites, just search “biker shorts.” So until it gets cold outside, I’ll be sporting a pair of biker shorts just about every other day.

Crushing On

Gym Shark is website that offers stylish workout clothing for women and men who love the gym and like to look cute while getting fit. You never know who you may run into at the gym or while you may be out for a run, so why not put on a stylish fit that’s breathable. Head over to to see what they have to offer and what you may be interested in purchasing!


My lock screen is a cartoon of a natural-hair African American Female. I love natural hair!

Now Streaming..

Summer Walker. I am definitely a Summer Walker stan.

Her voice is soothing, her lyrics are great and her vibes are 10/10 for me.

“Riot”, which was released on her latest EP “Clear” speaks to me a lot. The one minute song is very catchy and relatable. Summer Walker is a lot like me, an outspoken introvert, and she shows that through her music which I love.

Smashing Goals

It's never too late to set a goal for yourself. My challenge to you is to set three goals for yourself this week.

*A Word*..

Start eliminating those things Today!!

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