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Hustle Hard, It Gal

Good people don't always get their deserving largesse. Being a good person is only part of the job. No matter how benign you are, good things don't just fall in your lap meritoriously. You have to put in the work. You have to be willing to put in all that you got to get everything your heart desires. Becoming a well disciplined individual takes strength, drive, and tunneled vision. Your path to success starts with how badly you want to succeed. Many people stray through life relying on their kind regards to lift them into the raptors of success. I was once one of those people. I thought that sense I was a great person at heart that things will always work in my favor. Truly I am blessed, but getting the things I want out of life won't happen strictly off the fact that I'm a good person. It certainly plays a significant role in living a great life, but hard work will get you places kindness won't. If you're going through life with this mindset like I once was, I suggest you continue to have goodwill but amp up your efforts. Hard work develops great discipline which is a key ingredient to having a successful life. What you put in is what you get out and dreams don't work unless you do. Massive accomplishments requires a great deal of drive, being good-hearted only gets you half way there. There's certainly no elevator to success, you will have to take the stairs.


Deja K

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