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Be Mindful of what you Feed your Mind

Hey It Gals! Today I want to discuss a topic that is relevant to us all in our daily lives. As you can probably already tell, by the title of this post and the image along with it, this discussion is centered around being mindful of all the things you allow to feed your mind mind, body and spirit. We've all heard of the saying " you are what you eat" and that saying holds true in many ways beyond nourishment. Our eyes and ears are the peepholes into our soul. What we watch, listen to and who we associate with influence our inner selves and has a direct affect onto our actions and eventually our destiny. For example: if you are repeatedly listening to "harmless" provocative lyrics and language that may over-sexualize women you may begin to interpret that's acceptable or normal subconsciously, and before you know you find yourself embodying what is deemed "sexy" or of "value" based on the various music artists lyrics. Now a social norm has been set within you. Okay, same scenario but for men, when one repeatedly listens to artists music that may degrade women this is interpreted and then enacted within reality. We've all witnessed it. Men slut-shaming and feeling entitled to push their narrative of a woman's worth based on their ideals, which have been shaped by the messages they allow themselves to be exposed to.

Social media is a big one I'm sure we can all relate. We scroll up and down every day, hours at a time, and are exposed to this world and its technology that can become toxic to our minds and well-being. We don't realize how the images and words are shaping our thought and actions towards others and ourselves. This is where we must guard and protect what we allow to feed us internally. The consequences, if not, can be seriously harmful. Just because we have the luxury of having access to multiple sources at our fingertips doesn't mean they are helpful or healthy to our diet. Be in charge of your mental diet. Filter out the things that trigger negative thoughts out of you. Filter out the things that hurt you instead of help. Listen to music that brings you peace and not aimed to attack your values. Just choose to do right by you, and it begins with these small "harmless" things.

In life it is best to do all things in moderation. So, I'm not here to say rid yourself of all social media or to never listen to certain music artists, but instead of allowing it to consume you and your thoughts take control and use these things to your advantage. If that means cancelling out negative musical lyrics and replacing them with inspiring, motivational ones do that! If that means giving social media a break and deleting the app for some time do that! These intangible things have to be given control and importance and YOU are the person that can allow/limit that.


"In order to fulfill our destinies and do great things its important to become aware of what doesn't add to the quality of our living, what pushes us toward where we aim to be and be ale to do the great tings we're called to do."

From one It Gal to another, xoxo

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