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Meet "IT" Gal, Justyce

Justyce, is a go-gettin', bubbly young woman who puts her all in everything she does and is a part of. Since she was about 16 to now at the age of 20, Justyce has grown and shaped her talent and love for hair care into an excelling and successful business known as Juss Hair along with her Virgin Hair Extensions as an expansion onto all of her hair services. She's a small town girl with BIG dreams which she used to her advantage to become one of the hottest hair stylist in her city. But, it doesn't stop their she is also employed at her university and a full time student with acceptance into societies dealing with leadership and honors. Day in and day out, whether it be on a client or on her close friends and family Justyce, always puts smiles on the faces she encounters. With being only 20 and having so many accomplishments and achievements under her belt while being completely fabulous when doing so, she is definitely an "It" gal.

Meet 20 year old Justyce Jackson.

1. Where did your drive and passion to be in the hair industry develop from?

My drive and passion came from loving what I do and caring for my clients, I would see so many hairstylist's who would be so good at what they do and they never cared about their clients or making them happy. I always knew that even though there is someone who is always better, people will always come back if you show you truly care and treat them right. I knew that I could come in and be charismatic, fair, and honest. I always try to treat my clients with the respect they deserve, because without them I wouldn't be the person, name, or brand I am today.

2. How long have you been perfecting your craft and constantly developing your brand?

I started actively doing hair in 11th grade and I am now a sophomore in college, so I would say roughly 3 years. I think about branding constantly and it's honestly something that changes with the different trends and the different seasons to appeal to my customers. Being self taught meaning I don't have a mentor or anyone helping me with my brand, social media, and websites, I constantly try to research little things like water marks on my pictures, logos, and naming my clients, which is where I got "jusshairdolls" from, which are things that I know will stick with my customers, once I have that I know where to go in terms of promotion and trying to get people to not only take my brand seriously but to notice me as a legit business woman, because one thing I have learned is that people will not buy anything from you unless they feel your product is good, and that they can trust you.

3. Think about when you first began Juss_Hair and think about where you are now, what would be some advice you would give to someone trying to expand their services or build growth and personnel within their small business?

My one word of advice to anyone trying to expand their business is to set rules from the get go, even if they are strict and don't get you a lot of business at first, it will definitely help you in the long run because you'll be able to weave out all of the clients who are bad for business and just give you a hard time. The people who really support your business and accept your rules are the customers you want to attract, and they are the ones who keep coming back.

4. Adversity crosses paths with everyone, how did you push through any set backs or hard times or even times you may have wanted to give up?

I have had many hard times, I think what puts things into perspective for me is knowing that I have so many people who are for me and who would never let me stop doing hair, even if I tried. Those loyal clients who turn into friends are the people who motivate me to keep going and to not let one bad apple spoil it for the rest of the bunch. So now when adversity strikes instead of blaming myself, I look at it as another opportunity to get better, and fill the cracks in my foundation for an even stronger come back.

5. You're also a great student. Where do you attend school and what are you studying?

I attend The Florida State University, and right now my area of focus is Information, Communication and Technology with a concentration in Business.

6. What are your long term goals? Whether it be with your business, schooling, or you personal life?

My major long term goal is to GRADUATE COLLEGE, GRADUATE COLLEGE, GRADUATE COLLEGE!!! And I know all my college students out there feel my struggle. But on a serious note, I do feel like I've gained so much knowledge about Business and how to apply it to my own growing business now, and using what I've learned in my technology classes to also help give me an edge over the competition which helps me save money. So instead of paying someone to make my websites, logos, and just promotion of my overall brand, I do it all myself which saves me tons of money.

7. What's your zodiac?


8. Would you say you're more of a girly girl or you like to get down and dirty?

Definitely a girly girl, from Elementary to Middle School I was very tomboyish playing softball, soccer, and stepping. But now I can definitely say I officially own only 1 pair of sneakers and the rest are sandals, heels, and boots! I think doing hair and just loving to keep my hair done also had a lot of influence on my choice of clothing, and direction of my style.

9. Express who you are in one sentence.

I'm a hard working individual, who loves to help others (some would say a mothering figure), I always try to put my best foot forward and make the best out of even the worst situations, I can be a tough nut to crack and don't always see my wrong doings, but that's what makes us human, I am also a hopeless romantic and I love reading romance novels. Follow Her:

Instagram: @pr0.fashional & @juss_hairHair


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